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When you purchase the Advanced Rider course from IAM it includes both Associate membership of IAM and Associate membership of MBEAM while you take the course. More details of membership and fees are below.

On the Road

When you join the IAM as an Associate member that includes your Associate membership of MBEAM until the end of March of the following year. Once you pass your test you will become a Full Member for the remaining period, i.e. until the end of March of the following year. After that time you will then need to renew your membership of MBEAM as well as IAM to remain a member.


All of our Observers are volunteers using their own bikes and thus incur personal expense in regard to fuel and wear and tear. IAM guidance provides that Associates may be asked to contribute to those costs. In MBEAM we do not require payment for these costs, as we are generously provided with funds from our local Road Safety Partnership. However, as a courtesy gesture it is expected that Associates will pay for tea/coffee for the Observer on the observed rides.


You will be registered on our online membership system when you join as an Associate and will receive email reminders when it is time to renew your membership following the initial inclusive year. Only paid up members of IAM can remain as members of MBEAM.


We have two types of membership, which are:

  • Single Membership - this costs £12 per year and is payable online using our membership system.

  • Joint Membership - We offer a 25% discount for members whose partners/spouses live at the same address, so the fee is £18.

Morecambe Bay Estuaries Advanced Motorcyclists

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