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Rudy Rengers


At sixteen I had to choose between an FS1E or a TY50 and so the die was cast as I went with the TY50, a trail style bike which ultimately led, predictably to a GSA which is my main bike today. I have never really been into sports bikes, preferring to keep my head above my bottom when riding! In the intervening years, I have tended toward trail style machines, except for an interlude with an R100RT.

I have also had several dalliances with trail riding as a member of Cumbria Trail Riders Fellowship, a fabulous group I am privileged to ride out with today for which I use an orange device.

Latterly I have succumbed to the fad for retro bikes and got myself a Royal Enfield Interceptor which is a great base for tinkerage and the attainment of Zen!

My particular interest is combining bikes with travel, and I am fortunate enough to have done several trips to foreign climes. Travelling on a bike is a visceral thrill on its own, doubly so when you are venturing into different landscapes and cultures.

The IAM Advanced programme and Hopp Rider training at Cadwell Park are the two things that have brought my riding on most significantly, making me at once safer, quicker, and hopefully a little more elegant!

Rudy Rengers
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